Yesterday was damn quiet in all fronts..peoples seem to went outside KL for this Labour holidays..
The business was usually busy on Friday night at Vintage Bank..but tonight surprisingly..only two wine by the glass sold..a bit worrying to start the month..if this continues..I can imagine a below RM300 a point for month of May..the rooms not help it either..25 percent room occupancy..seriously..this month probably not the month to spend..maybe they just paid to IRS last month a handsome amount of money for the income tax..damn..
The month of May will be a good month to improve my knowledge about wines..I had been assigned to assist on the wine storage and 8th was a tough duty..involve my strenght and muscles..the new shipment will be arriving on June..thousands bottles of wines..and my two hands..imagine that!
I have to life change drastically..sometimes I wonder if I make a right call to join this wonderful wine team..then I realized this is the sacrifies that I have to take..I have made it at the restaurant before and it was about time I took up the challenges and stop blaiming and complaining..
My concern is do I have a time for my own little private life?
To be continued...